Phonegap Splash Screen Disappear after few seconds in iPhone 6(iOS 8.3) issue -

when click on application icon in iphone6 , splash screen opened remains 2 seconds , disappear leads crashing of app.

i have added splash screens iphone 6 , iphone 6 + of resolution 1242*2208 px (default-portrait-736h@3x.png) , 750 *1334(default-667h@2x.png) in splash folder.

i using xcode 6.3.2 ios sdk 8.3.

it working on ipad , ipod(ios 8.3).

the application crash has come code because tested clean project setup splashscreen plugin , there no issue.

before start working on project should read informative readme available every single cordova plugin.

so want set splashscreen duration value, no problem. described in cordova splashscreen-plugin documentation.; 


settimeout(function() {     navigator.splashscreen.hide(); }, 2000); 

will trick. recommend call splashscreen directly after deviceready-event. should start first function , include inside it. ...hide() goes last function , thats all.

here you're able find preferences config.xml - ios quirks

before use commands above watch out deviceready-event obligatory splashscreen commands work!


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