windows - How can I wait for an application launched by another application launched by my application Qt/C++ -

i'm creating windows add/remove programs application in qt 5.4 , i'm becaming crazy solve little "puzzle":

my application (app_0) runs application (app_1) , waits app_1 until terminates.

app_1 uninstaller (i.e. uninstall.exe) , i've not source code of app_1, of qt app_0.

app_1, instead of doing uninstall job, copies somewhere in filesystem (i saw au_.exe other apps use different names , locations), runs copy of (app_2) , terminates.

the app_2 has gui , job i'm waiting (uninstall) demanded final user of running app_2.

in situation application (app_0) stops waiting app_1 pratically (because launches app_1 , waits app_1). work properly, obviously, need know instead when app_2 terminated...

so question is: there way (using techniques (hooking?)) know if , when app_2 terminates?

note: consider standard windows add/remove programs utility job (it seems waits app_2). can test this, example, installing adobe digital edition. uninstaller (uninstall.exe) copies new folder in user_local_temp folder au_.exe, runs , terminates. os utility waits au_.exe , after terminates refreshes list of installed programs.

if kind of technique (uninstall.exe copies somewhere same name (au_.exe) ) problem resolved, obviously, simply. don't think name of copied uninstaller same , don't assume things i'm not sure real.

many in advance

thanks iinspectable's suggestion (see comment... , many guy!) created function solves problems! i'll share here function useful other people same (or similar) problem.

for needs, function receives parameter index of item uninstalled (from qlist) , gets uninstall string (for example: c:\programfiles\myapp\uninstall.exe).

then uninstall string, i'll create process (createprocess) , put handle job object, function wait processes ran process.

the function pretty simple , can improved. notice process must created create_breakaway_from_job option, otherwise assignprocesstojobobject fail "access denied" error.

void mainwindow::unibuttonclick(int idx) {     qmessagebox::standardbutton reply;     qmessagebox::standardbutton err;      reply = qmessagebox::question(this, "uninstall/change", "uninstall " +                                   ip[idx].displayname +"?\r\n\r\n" + ip[idx].uninstallstring,                                   qmessagebox::yes|qmessagebox::no);     if (reply == qmessagebox::yes)     {         //qstring s = "c:\\windows\\notepad.exe"; // test job assignment , createprocess         qstring s = ip[idx].uninstallstring; // real uninstaller string          qstring jobname = "myjobobject";          try         {             process_information processinfo; //this [out] parameter             startupinfo startupinfo; //this [in] parameter             pjobobject_basic_process_id_list plist;             handle hprocess;             bool bjoballend;                zeromemory(&startupinfo, sizeof(startupinfo));             startupinfo.cb = sizeof startupinfo ; //only compulsory field              wchar_t* path;             path = (wchar_t*) malloc (sizeof(wchar_t)*s.length()+1);             s.towchararray(path);             path[s.length()]=0; // null terminate string              // create process create_breakaway_from_job overcome accessdenied issue on assignprocesstojobobject.             if(createprocess(null, path, null, null, false, create_breakaway_from_job|create_suspended, null, null,&startupinfo, &processinfo))             {                 plist = (pjobobject_basic_process_id_list)globalalloc(gmem_fixed, 10000);                  handle jobobj = createjobobject(null, (const wchar_t*)jobname.utf16());                  if (assignprocesstojobobject(jobobj, processinfo.hprocess) != 0)                 {                     resumethread(processinfo.hthread); // process assigned jobobjext, resume                                          {                         queryinformationjobobject(jobobj, jobobjectbasicprocessidlist, plist, 10000, null);                          bjoballend = true;                          for(dword i=0; i<plist->numberofprocessidsinlist; i++)                         {                             hprocess = openprocess(synchronize, false, plist->processidlist[i]);                             if(hprocess != null)                             {                                 closehandle(hprocess);                                 bjoballend = false;                             }                         }                          sleep(500);                     } while(!bjoballend);                   }                 else                     qdebug() << "assignprocess job failed: error = " << qstring::number(getlasterror());                  globalfree(plist);                 closehandle(jobobj);                 closehandle(processinfo.hthread);                 closehandle(processinfo.hprocess);             }          }         catch(qstring error)         {           qmessagebox::critical(this, "file not found!", "the requested uninstaller doesn't exists", qmessagebox::ok);          }           // refresh list         handlebutton();      }  } 


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