python - Kivy Adding Widget to a screen -

this seems silly question. have widget want add screen called gamescreen.

this python code:

class welcomescreen(screen):     pass  class basicscreen(screen):     pass  class gamescreen(screen):     parent = widget()     game =  shootinggame()     parent.add_widget(game)     clock.schedule_interval(game.update, 1.0 / 60.0)     # return parent  sm = screenmanager() sm.add_widget(welcomescreen(name='welcome')) sm.add_widget(basicscreen(name='basic')) sm.add_widget(gamescreen(name='game'))  class shootingapp(app):     def build(self):         print(sm.current)        return sm  if __name__ == '__main__':       shootingapp().run() 

and kivy code:

<welcomescreen>: button:     text: "learn haptic illusions"     size_hint: none, none     size: 500, 70     pos: 100, 200     font_size: 30     on_release: app.root.current = "basic"  button:     text: "play our game"     size_hint: none, none     size: 500, 70     pos: 100, 100     font_size: 30     on_release: app.root.current = "game"  <basicscreen>: name: "basic"  <gamescreen>: name: "game" 

the error getting this. , think because defined parent widget game. however, need parent because game widget uses width , height values of parent (e.g., self.parent.width). there workaround game widget can nested in parent , add parent screen?

kivy.uix.widget.widgetexception: cannot add <screen name='game'>, has parent <kivy.uix.widget.widget object @ 0x1093dc8d8> 

thanks guys!!

you can this

class gamesscreen(screen):     def __init__(self, **kwargs):         super(gamescreen, self).__init__(**kwargs) = shootinggame()         self.add_widget(         clock.schedule_interval(, 1.0 / 60.0) 


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