c# - Wpf client and asp.net web app signalr Hub , save users logged in from wpf client in signalr server -

i creating signalr hub in asp.net web app. wpf application client signalr hub

i have login facility in wpf application , want store users on hub created in asp.net , can send information specific user. want store 2 properties username , usertoken , list of these properties in hub , how can send properties information hub

i tried using client.caller not getting value in connected or disconnected event on hub

you can access user in hub methods: there user instance property. token, assume in request headers. can access in hub context.request.headers property. don't need store users send data them. somewhere (not in hub inheritor) have line this:

private static readonly lazy<ihubcontext> _hubctx = new lazy<ihubcontext>(() => globalhost.connectionmanager.gethubcontext<myhub>());  protected virtual task sendreporttoall(report r) {     return _hubctx.value.clients.all.eventtotriggeronclient(r); }  protected virtual task sendreporttouser(report r, string username) {     return _hubctx.value.clients.user(username).eventtotriggeronclient(r); } 


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