I am very new to Scala / SBT. Is there a test program I use to see I set everything up correctly? -

i trying scala / sbt test things. using notepad++ , command line, no ide.

is there "hello world" tests program? following sbt website example hello world this:

object hi {    def main(args: array[string]) = println("hi!") } 

does have simple example test can run using sbt? have directories setup correctly still getting hang of using sbt basic tests , simple example greatly.



i had tried using intellij idea ide @ first scala / sbt , scalatest try test example.

this saved in main scala directory.

 class hello {    def sayhello(name: string) = s"hello, $name!"  } 

this saved in test scala directory.

 import org.scalatest.funsuite   class hellotest extends funsuite {    test("sayhellomethodworks") {      val hello = new hello      assert(hello.sayhello("scala") == "hello, scala!")    }  } 

this test runs fine in ide , shows green. how able run same test using command prompt / text editor?

i recommend typesafe activator. there many templates started

run activator new

choose minimal-scal

it creates file build.sbt

name := """hello-world-app"""  version := "1.0"  scalaversion := "2.11.6"  // change test framework if prefer librarydependencies += "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % "2.2.4" % "test"  // uncomment use akka //librarydependencies += "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-actor" % "2.3.11" 

and scala file

package com.example  object hello {   def main(args: array[string]): unit = {     println("hello, world!")   } } 

and test helloworldspec.scala

import org.scalatest._  class hellospec extends flatspec matchers {   "hello" should "have tests" in {     true should === (true)   } } 

you can run sbt "~test" continuous run tests, or

sbt test run test once


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