java - mongoDB connection returning null value -

below code returning value null.

package config;  import; import org.springframework.context.annotation.configuration; import org.springframework.context.annotation.bean;  import com.mongodb.mongoclient;  @configuration public class configurationfile { private static mongotemplate mongotemplate; public @bean(name="mongotemplate") mongotemplate mongotemplate()throws exception{     mongotemplate = new mongotemplate(new       mongoclient("localhost",27017),"test");     system.out.println("mongotemplatevalue1--> " + mongotemplate);     return mongotemplate;  }  public static mongotemplate getmongotemplate() {     system.out.println("mongotemplatevalue-->" + mongotemplate);     return mongotemplate; }  }

package client;  import;  import;  import com.mongodb.basicdbobject; import com.mongodb.db; import com.mongodb.dbcollection; import com.mongodb.dbcursor; import com.mongodb.dbobject; import com.mongodb.mongoclient;   import config.configurationfile;  import extraction.extractor;  public class client { private mongotemplate mongotemplate;  public static void main(string[] args){     client c = new client();     c.sample();  }  private void sample(){     setupmongodb(); }  private void setupmongodb() {     if (mongotemplate == null) {         system.out.println("insidesetup");         mongotemplate = configurationfile.getmongotemplate();     } }  } 

i unable mongotemplate value. below output insidesetup mongotemplatevalue-->null

can please on this?

your mongotemplate() method never being called because not creating spring context when starting application client.main(). need learn how spring framework works, how create application context. you'll need point context configuration file , use autowiring obtain mongotemplate.

@configuration public class configurationfile { @bean(name="mongotemplate") public mongotemplate mongotemplate()throws exception{     mongotemplate mongotemplate = new mongotemplate(new mongoclient("localhost",27017),"test");      return mongotemplate;   } } 

then use autowired field:

@service public class someservice {    @autowired   private mongotemplate mongotemplate;    public dosomething() {     //use mongotemplate   } } 


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