php - Get the sum value of selected check boxes on check box click with jquery after ajax response -

i need sum value of selected check boxes on check box click jquery after ajax response.

$('.check:checked').each(function() {   }); 

the above jquery function works if call check box when page loading have call function after ajax response it's not working.

so have tried below 1 no idea sum of selected check boxes value

$('body').on('click', '.check', function(){ } 

jquery function

<script>     $(document).ready(function(){          $('body').on('click', '.check', function(){             var tot  = 5;             $('.check:checked').each(function() {                 console.log($(this).val());                                       tot += $(this).val();             });             console.log(tot);         });  $('#paytype').change(function(){     var ptype = $(this).val();     var y = $('[name = "year"]').val();     clearruntimefunctions();                              $('#paytype').val(ptype);     if(ptype != "dntsntreqst"){                              $('#ajax_img_lod').show();                    $.ajax({                         url: 'ajax_requst/getotherpaymt.php',             type: 'post',             data: {                 'pyear': y,                 'paytype': ptype,                                },             success: function( data ){                 $('#ajax_img_lod').hide();                                                       $('#ajax_response').html(data);               }         });     } });     }); </script> 

this ajax response page

<?php     <table class="table table-message" style="margin: 10px 25px;max-width: 350px;">         <tbody>             <tr class="heading">                                     <td class="cell-title"> year </td>                 <td class="cell-title"> month </td>                 <td class="cell-title"><div align="right"> amount  </div></td>                  <td class="cell-title"><div align="right"> balance</div> </td>                  <td class="" width="2%"><div align="right"></div></td>             </tr>              foreach($monthend_arry $m)             {                 $sql_cls = mysql_query("select book cls_room_tb cls_brnch_id='$br_id' , start_date <= '$m'");                 $nocls = mysql_num_rows($sql_cls);                 if ($nocls > 0) {                     if ($nocls <= 4) {                         $centfee = $nocls * 1000;                        }                     else {                         $centfee = 4 * 1000;                                             $centfee += ($nocls - 4) * 500;                                          }                      $sql_paid = mysql_query("select sum(amount) other_payments br_id='$br_id' , pay_type='$paytype' ,                      pyear = '$pyear' , pmonth='". substr($m , 5, 2)."'");                     $res_paid = mysql_fetch_row($sql_paid);                     $paidamount = $res_paid[0];                     $amount =  $centfee  ;                      echo '<tr class="unread">                           <td class="cell-title" >'.$pyear.'</td>                         <td class="cell-title" >'.month_crt( substr($m , 5, 2)).' - '.$nocls.' </td>                         <td class="cell-title" >                                 <div align="right"> '.numformt($amount).'</div>                         </td>                         <td class="cell-title" ><div align="right">'.numformt( $amount - $paidamount ).'</div></td>                         <td class="cell-title" >                             <input type="checkbox" class="check" name="checkpay[]" value="'.numformt( $amount - $paidamount ).'" />                         </td>                     </tr>';                  }             } ?> 

sum inside ajax success callback, e.g:

$.ajax({     url: 'ajax_requst/getotherpaymt.php',     type: 'post',     data: {         'pyear': y,             'paytype': ptype,     },     success: function (data) {         $('#ajax_img_lod').hide();         $('#ajax_response').html(data);         // find(':checked') checked ones          // none seems checked regarding servser side script         // maybe use `.find('.check')` instead that's not clear expecting here???         var sum = $('#ajax_response').find(':checked').map(function () {             return +this.value         }).get().reduce(function (a, b) {             return + b;         });         // whatever want `sum`         console.log(sum);     } }); 

or maybe want call on:

$(document).on('change', '.check', function () {     var sum = $('.check').filter(':checked').map(function () {         return +this.value     }).get().reduce(function (a, b) {         return + b;     }/* start default value != 0 '5' in posted code*/, 5);     // whatever want `sum`     console.log(sum); } 

in fact, i'm not sure understand expected behaviour. how/when wish sum checked checkboxes values?!


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