Writing/Reading strings in binary file-C++ -

i searched similar post couldn't find me.

i' m trying first write integer containing string length of string , write string in binary file.

however when read data binary file read integers value=0 , strings contain junk.

for example when type 'asdfgh' username , 'qwerty100' password 0,0 both string lengths , read junk file.

this how write data file.

std::fstream file;  file.open("filename",std::ios::out | std::ios::binary | std::ios::trunc );  account x;  x.createaccount();  int usernamelength= x.getusername().size()+1; //+1 null terminator int passwordlength=x.getpassword().size()+1;  file.write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&usernamelength),sizeof(int)); file.write(x.getusername().c_str(),usernamelength); file.write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&passwordlength),sizeof(int)); file.write(x.getpassword().c_str(),passwordlength);  file.close(); 

right below in same function read data

file.open("filename",std::ios::binary | std::ios::in );  char username[51]; char password[51];  char intbuffer[4];  file.read(intbuffer,sizeof(int)); file.read(username,atoi(intbuffer)); std::cout << atoi(intbuffer) << std::endl; file.read(intbuffer,sizeof(int)); std::cout << atoi(intbuffer) << std::endl; file.read(password,atoi(intbuffer));  std::cout << username << std::endl; std::cout << password << std::endl;  file.close(); 

when reading data in should following:

int result; file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&result), sizeof(int)); 

this read bytes straight memory of result no implicit conversion int. restore exact binary pattern written file in first place , original int value.


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