Adjust number of ticks in R levelplot -

i have following r code:

library(lattice) x <- rep(seq(6,15,by=1), each=20) y <- rep(seq(0,0.95,by=0.05), 10) z <- x*y levelplot(z ~ x * y) 

it produces plot: enter image description here

how can have ticks @ 6, 7, ..., 15 on x-axis , ticks @ 0.0, 0.1, ..., 0.9 on y-axis?

library(lattice) x <- rep(seq(6,15,by=1), each=20) y <- rep(seq(0,0.95,by=0.05), 10) z <- x*y  x.scale <- list(at=seq(6,15,1)) y.scale <- list(at=seq(0,0.9,0.1))  levelplot(z ~ x * y, scales=list(x=x.scale, y=y.scale)) 

enter image description here


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