OWIN OpenIdConnect middleware - set RedirectUri dynamically -

is there way how can set redirecturi property openidconnectmessage based on request scope, not application scope?

my app serving multiple domains (myapp.com, myapp.fr, ..) , based on domain, determine default language content. need user taken same domain after login thru idp need find way how redirecturi set per request scope rather app scope done configuring middleware options in startup.cs .

this can done via notification event redirecttoidentityprovider . this:

 notifications = new openidconnectauthenticationnotifications                  {                      redirecttoidentityprovider = async n =>                      {                          n.protocolmessage.redirecturi = n.owincontext.request.uri.host;                          n.protocolmessage.postlogoutredirecturi = n.owincontext.request.uri.host;                      },                      //other notification events...                  } 



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