graph - BEMSimpleLineGraph X-Axis Labels not showing for phones newer than iPhone 5 -

i've created line graph using bemsimplelinegraph pod, but, life of me, can't figure out why x-axis labels aren't showing on device newer iphone 5.

edit: should mention enablexaxislabel = yes default.

here code lay out graph:

#import "weightchartcell.h"  @implementation weightchartcell  @synthesize viewcell, arrayplots, mygraph, labelweighthistory;  - (void)awakefromnib { }  - (void)layoutsubviews {     [super layoutsubviews];      float width = viewcell.bounds.size.width;      self.mygraph = [[bemsimplelinegraphview alloc] initwithframe:cgrectmake(-20, 40, width+20, 150.0)];     self.mygraph.datasource = self;     self.mygraph.delegate = self;     self.mygraph.colortop = [uicolor whitecolor];     self.mygraph.colorbottom = [uicolor colorwithred:190/255.0 green:218/255.0 blue:246/255.0 alpha:1];     self.mygraph.colorline = [uicolor colorwithred:124/255.0 green:181/255.0 blue:236/255.0 alpha:1];     self.mygraph.colorpoint = [uicolor colorwithred:124/255.0 green:181/255.0 blue:236/255.0 alpha:1];     self.mygraph.widthline = 3;     self.mygraph.sizepoint = 10;     self.mygraph.alwaysdisplaydots = yes;     self.mygraph.colorxaxislabel = [uicolor lightgraycolor];     self.mygraph.colorbackgroundxaxis = [uicolor clearcolor];     self.mygraph.enableyaxislabel = yes;     self.mygraph.coloryaxislabel = [uicolor clearcolor];     self.mygraph.colorbackgroundyaxis = [uicolor clearcolor];     self.mygraph.enablereferenceyaxislines = yes;     self.mygraph.colorreferencelines = [uicolor lightgraycolor];     self.mygraph.enableleftreferenceaxisframeline = no;     self.mygraph.enablepopupreport = yes;     self.mygraph.enablereferenceaxisframe = yes;      [viewcell addsubview:self.mygraph];      labelweighthistory.text = nslocalizedstring(@"progress", nil);     [self sendsubviewtoback:self.mygraph];  }  - (nsinteger)numberofpointsinlinegraph:(bemsimplelinegraphview *)graph {     return [arrayplots count]; }  - (nsinteger)numberofgapsbetweenlabelsonlinegraph:(bemsimplelinegraphview *)graph {     return 1; }  - (nsstring *)linegraph:(bemsimplelinegraphview *)graph labelonxaxisforindex:(nsinteger)index {     nsstring *datestr = [[arrayplots objectatindex:index] valueforkey:@"created_at"];     // convert string date object     nsdateformatter *dateformat = [[nsdateformatter alloc] init];     [dateformat setdateformat:@"yyyy-mm-dd"];     nsdate *date = [dateformat datefromstring:datestr];      // convert date object desired output format     [dateformat setdateformat:@"d.mmm"];     datestr = [dateformat stringfromdate:date];     return datestr; }  - (cgfloat)linegraph:(bemsimplelinegraphview *)graph valueforpointatindex:(nsinteger)index {     nsinteger ypoint = [[[arrayplots objectatindex:index] valueforkey:@"weight"] floatvalue];     return ypoint; }  @end 

it comes out expected on iphone 5 device , iphone 5 simulator: iphone 5

but don't show @ on newer iphone 5. iphone 5s: iphone 5s

please see this issue on github. contains temporary fix while work on official fix.



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