pascalscript - Conditional DisableProgramGroupPage in Inno Setup -

i'm trying create single installer both normal , portable installs. portable install disabling icons , uninstaller creation.

the problem stuck @ how disable program group page when running portable install. misunderstanding here?

[setup] ;this works expected uninstallable=not isportable() ;this not work, can't compile (disableprogramgrouppage=yes alone compiles fine) disableprogramgrouppage=yes isportable() 

compilation fails error

value of [setup] section directive ... invalid.

this isportable() function:

function isportable(): boolean; begin   if(standardradiobutton.checked = true)   result := false   else   result := true; end; 

(elaborating on @tlama's comment)

the disableprogramgrouppage not support "boolean expression":

[setup]: disableprogramgrouppage
valid values: auto, yes, or no

contrary uninstallable:

[setup]: uninstallable
valid values: yes or no, or boolean expression

you can use shouldskippage event function instead:

function shouldskippage(pageid: integer): boolean; begin   result := false;    if pageid = wpselectprogramgroup   begin     result := isportable;   end; end; 


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