app store - IOS rejected from AppStore -

i have submited application appstore, application had rejected.

this reason: enter image description here

i work follow link, application rejected too. 2.23: apps must follow ios data storage guidelines or rejected

this means you're storing data, cache files, or profile images example, can recreated/redownloaded app, in location icloud up. wastes users data, , server space apple. they've been cracking down on over last 6 months or so.

you can either store files in place not backed icloud (/library/application support), or flag files not backup attribute.

get folder in code this:

nsstring* appsupportfolder = [nssearchpathfordirectoriesindomains(nsapplicationsupportdirectory, nsuserdomainmask, yes) firstobject]; 

here's category can use set not backup attribute:

@implementation nsurl (donotbackupattribute)  - (bool)dw_adddonotbackupattribute {     if (![[nsfilemanager defaultmanager] fileexistsatpath:[self path]]) return no;      __autoreleasing nserror* error = nil;     if (![self setresourcevalue:@(yes) forkey:nsurlisexcludedfrombackupkey error:&error]) {         nslog(@"error: failed set not backup attribute on file %@, error: %@", self, [error localizeddescription]);     }      return yes; }  @end 


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