Excel VBA: Can we refer a column by its name? -

i want refer column header name.

currently column 4th 1 , header name "preference". , column consists of "yes" or "no"

5th column header "reason" , filled when "preference" column "no"

my code is

private sub commandbutton1_click()  dim integer dim myworksheetlastrow byte dim myworksheetlastcolumn byte  myworksheetlastrow = worksheets(1).cells(rows.count, "a").end(xlup).row myworksheetlastcolumn = worksheets(1).cells(1, columns.count).end(xltoleft).column  worksheets(1).cells(1, myworksheetlastcolumn + 1).value = "result" = 2 myworksheetlastrow if cells(i, 4).value = "yes" cells(i, myworksheetlastcolumn + 1).value = cells(i, 4).value else: cells(i, myworksheetlastcolumn + 1).value = cells(i, 5).value end if next  end sub 

what want instead of cells(i,4) , want call column header example: cells(i,"preference"). because won't column number of "preference" in prior. , use excel vba because have deal 20-30 similar files.

further comments, if want direct, have this:

cells(i,application.worksheetfunction.match("preference", range("1:1"), 0)). 


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