c++ - boost shared pointer constructor destructor -

the following code

struct base {   public:   base()   {     std::cout<<"base ctr";   }    ~base()   {     std::cout<<"base dtr";   } };  struct derived : base {   derived()   {     std::cout<<"derived ctr";   }    ~base()   {     std::cout<<"derived dtr";   } };  int main() {   base* b = new derived;   delete b; } 

gives me following output :

base ctr derived ctr base dtr 

the solution make base destructor virtual.

however when use boost smart pointers without virtual base destructor. different output.

int main() {   boost::shared_ptr<base> b = boost::make_shared<derived>(); } 

the output is

 base ctr  derived ctr  derived dtr  base dtr 

how boost shared_ptr able achieve without affecting(i'm assuming) base , derived classes.
how scale multiple level inheritance, i.e base points dervderv dervderv inherited derv.


most answers tell me "magic" happens in make_shared. same behaviour following code

boost::shared_ptr<base> ptr(new derived);   

a solution implemented using normal function pointers:

#include <iostream> #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp> #include <boost/make_shared.hpp> #include <typeinfo>  using namespace std;  struct base{    base(){     cout<<"base ctor."<<endl;   }    ~base(){     cout<<"base dtor."<<endl;   }  };  struct derv: base{    derv():base(){     cout<<"derv ctor."<<endl;   }    ~derv(){     cout<<"derv dtor."<<endl;   }  };  typedef void (*del)(void*);  template<typename u> void deleter(void* ptr) {   delete static_cast<u*>(ptr); }  template<typename t> struct smartptr{    t* memptr;    del func;    template<typename u>     smartptr(u* p):       memptr(p)   {     func = deleter<u>;   }    ~smartptr(){        func(memptr);   } }; int main() {   //case 1   smartptr<base> ptrsmart1(new derv());    //case 2   smartptr<base> ptrsmart2(new base());    //case 3   smartptr<derv> ptrsmart3(new derv());    return 0; } 


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