mysql - auto_increment with the newly created column -

this question has answer here:

i using mysql, have table called transaction_detail

the create table statement is

create table transaction_detail( tx_code varchar(25), acct varchar(25), ltx varchar(25), crcy varchar(25)); 

i want add column called line_key auto_increment 1 in this. know way create table similar , add column auto_increment in , insert data table newly created table, looking easier way altering table , adding column incremented value.

this way can insert 1 table another

insert database.tablenamenew select * database.tablenameold; 

this way can copy table structure

create table database.tablenamenew database.tablenameold; 

this table auto increament

create table transaction_detail(         `line_key` int(11) not null auto_increment,         `tx_code` varchar(25),         `acct` varchar(25),         `ltx` varchar(25),         `crcy` varchar(25)         primary key (`line_key`),     ); 


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