django - What is a CSRF token ? What is its importance and how does it work? -

okay guys, writing django application , want idea of csrf token , how protects data. post data not safe if not use csrf tokens?

i know how use csrf_token need information how works.

cross-site request forgery (csrf) in simple words

  • assume logged online banking @
  • assume money transfer result in request of (conceptually) form<someaccountnumber>;amount=<someamount>. (your account number not needed, because implied login.)
  • you visit, not knowing malicious site.
  • if owner of site knows form of above request (easy!) , correctly guesses logged (requires luck!), include on page request;amount=10000 (where 123456 number of cayman islands account , 10000 amount thought glad possess).
  • you retrieved page, your browser make request.
  • your bank cannot recognize origin of request: web browser send request along cookie , legitimate. there goes money!

this world without csrf tokens.

now better 1 with csrf tokens:

  • the transfer request extended third argument:;amount=10000;token=31415926535897932384626433832795028841971.
  • that token huge, impossible-to-guess random number include on own web page when serve you. different each time serve page anybody.
  • the attacker not able guess token, not able convince web browser surrender (if browser works correctly...), , attacker not able create valid request, because requests wrong token (or no token) refused

result: keep 10000 monetary units. suggest donate of wikipedia.

(your mileage may vary.)


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