java - Maven local artifacts resolution does not work after 1 day -

i install artifact inside local repository command:

mvn install:install-file -dgroupid=com.rules  -dartifactid=rulesid -dversion=0.1 -dpackaging=jar -dfile=rules.jar 

then resolve artifact java code using:

org.drools.compiler.kproject.releaseidimpl releaseid =  new releaseidimpl("com.rules", "rulesid", "latest"); 

and every thing works pretty well.

the day after, seems repository expires, , need "mvn install" things work again. exception this:

caused by: org.eclipse.aether.resolution.versionresolutionexception:  failed resolve version com.rules:rulesid:pom:latest: not find metadata com.rules:rulesid/maven-metadata.xml  in local (c:\users\gpiazzolla\.m2\repository)  @ org.apache.maven.repository.internal.defaultversionresolver.resolveversion( 

in fact, maven-metadata.xml inside directory seems disappear.

the content of "maven-metadata-local.xml" after reinstall is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <metadata>   <groupid>com.rules</groupid>   <artifactid>rulesid</artifactid>   <versioning>     <release>0.1</release>     <versions>       <version>0.1</version>     </versions>     <lastupdated>20150604080940</lastupdated>   </versioning> </metadata> 

you going wrong way. in general, not best practice design software depends on non-specific version of artifact. also, "latest" field intended plugin resolution. , note way latest works, may not guarantee latest version used.

internally, maven 2.x used special version markers release , latest support automatic plugin version resolution. these metaversions recognized in element declaration. sake of reproducible builds, maven 3.x no longer supports usage of these metaversions in pom. result, users need replace occurrences of these metaversions concrete version. from maven 3.x compatibility notes

if need highest version of released non-plugin artifact should using version ranges, see section 3.4.3 here or this answer example.


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