sql server 2008 - Insert record into SQL table based on values from another table -

i have sql database access front end. trying employeeid 1 table, , insert it, along other values table. can't figure out doing wrong. not getting errors, , when @ values, there. insert command not working. know getting employeeid other table working. ideas? in advance help!

private sub command666_click()  dim db dao.database dim rs dao.recordset  dim strsql, strsql2, strsql3 string  dim st date dim st2 date dim vempid, vworkcode integer dim vhours, vhours2 double dim vdtadd date  strsql = "select * tblemployees"  set db = currentdb() set rs = db.openrecordset(strsql, dbopendynaset, dbseechanges)  rs.movefirst  while not rs.eof      vempid = rs!employeeid     vhours = 40     vhours2 = 8     vdtadd = date     vworkcode = 1      st = dateadd("m", 6, date)     st2 = dateadd("m", 7, date)      if rs!startdate >= st , rs!startdate < st2          strsql2 = "insert tbltimeavailable (employeeid, noofhours, dateadded, workcode) values (@vempid, @vhours, @vdtadd, @vworkcode)"         db.execute strsql2     else          if rs!startdate >= st2              strsql3 = "insert tbltimeavailable (employeeid, noofhours, dateadded, workcode) values (@vempid, @vhours2, @vdtadd, @vworkcode)"             db.execute strsql3         end if      end if       rs.movenext loop rs.close set rs = nothing msgbox ("sick time added") 

end sub


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