java - Single thread with a delay to start -

what im trying : pressing 1 button change simple value. if value remains unchanged 3 sec, wanna execute method. need single thread start(and kill others) on every button click. know

executor executor = executors.newsinglethreadscheduledexecutor(); 

but can't have delay. best practice ?

either can go simple thread start-stop/interrupt thing or can use api's scheduledexecutorservice.
example of how scheduledexecutorservice below

//start many threads want upon button click... (since said want kill other threads, assume want start threads upon button click)             scheduledexecutorservice service = executors.newscheduledthreadpool(3);             service.schedule(new thread(), 0, timeunit.seconds);             service.schedule(new thread(), 0, timeunit.seconds);             service.schedule(new thread(), 0, timeunit.seconds);              //start single thread after 3 seconds.             scheduledexecutorservice servicecheck = executors.newscheduledthreadpool(3);             servicecheck.schedule(new thread(), 3, timeunit.seconds);             //in thread created using "servicecheck", check value has not changed use `service.shutdownnow();` shutdown started threads , whatever want.  


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