android - iOS 5.0 : generated x509 rsa public key of size 2048 is 270 bytes instead of 294 bytes. Why? -
i developing sdk ios 5 @ work, , communicating device via socket interface. device requires sent base64 encoded rsa x509 public key of size 2048.
i generate key pair following code:
osstatus status = noerr; nsmutabledictionary *privatekeyattr = [[nsmutabledictionary alloc] init]; nsmutabledictionary *publickeyattr= [[nsmutabledictionary alloc] init]; nsmutabledictionary *keypairattr = [[nsmutabledictionary alloc] init]; nsdata * publictag = [nsdata datawithbytes:publickeyidentifier length:strlen((const char *)publickeyidentifier)]; nsdata * privatetag = [nsdata datawithbytes:privatekeyidentifier length:strlen((const char *)privatekeyidentifier)]; seckeyref publickey = null; seckeyref privatekey = null; [keypairattr setobject:(__bridge id)ksecattrkeytypersa forkey:(__bridge id)ksecattrkeytype]; [keypairattr setobject:[nsnumber numberwithint:2048] forkey:(__bridge id)ksecattrkeysizeinbits]; [privatekeyattr setobject:[nsnumber numberwithbool:yes] forkey:(__bridge id)ksecattrispermanent]; [privatekeyattr setobject:privatetag forkey:(__bridge id)ksecattrapplicationtag]; [publickeyattr setobject:[nsnumber numberwithbool:yes] forkey:(__bridge id)ksecattrispermanent]; [publickeyattr setobject:publictag forkey:(__bridge id)ksecattrapplicationtag]; [keypairattr setobject:privatekeyattr forkey:(__bridge id)ksecprivatekeyattrs]; [keypairattr setobject:publickeyattr forkey:(__bridge id)ksecpublickeyattrs]; status = seckeygeneratepair((__bridge cfdictionaryref)keypairattr, &_publickey, &_privatekey);
i use following code obtain raw data public key:
nsdata* publictag = [[nsdata alloc] initwithbytes:publickeyidentifier length:sizeof(publickeyidentifier)]; osstatus sanitycheck = noerr; nsdata* publickeybits = nil; nsmutabledictionary* querypublickey = [[nsmutabledictionary alloc] init]; [querypublickey setobject:(__bridge id)ksecclasskey forkey:(__bridge id)ksecclass]; [querypublickey setobject:publictag forkey:(__bridge id)ksecattrapplicationtag]; [querypublickey setobject:(__bridge id)ksecattrkeytypersa forkey:(__bridge id)ksecattrkeytype]; // temporarily add key keychain, return data: nsmutabledictionary* attributes = [querypublickey mutablecopy]; [attributes setobject:(__bridge id)key forkey:(__bridge id)ksecvalueref]; [attributes setobject:@yes forkey:(__bridge id)ksecreturndata]; cftyperef result; sanitycheck = secitemadd((__bridge cfdictionaryref)attributes, &result); if (sanitycheck == errsecsuccess) { publickeybits = cfbridgingrelease(result); // remove keychain again: (void)secitemdelete((__bridge cfdictionaryref)querypublickey); } return publickeybits;
the above code yields nsdata of 270 bytes long public key; base64 encode data , send device, rejected.
my colleague @ work has completed implementation of same functionality android, , generates key pair follows:
keypairgenerator kpg = keypairgenerator.getinstance("rsa"); kpg.initialize(2048); keypair key = kpg.generatekeypair();
and uses:
to access public key data, 294 bytes long, , device accepts.
also, if take raw bytes of generated public key, , use base64 encode , send, accepted device.
what difference here? why key 294 bytes, while mine 270? , how can fix this? appreciated.
i have found, states:
note not count encoding says "this rsa public key"; takes additional 24 bytes (including overhead).
this sounds need, although don't know how include information.
here's answer:
"first off, when export key iphone keychain, it’s exported in cut down format – public key , exponent without of other asn.1 stuff you’d expect in encoded public key."
i thought this; i've been smashing head against monitor day..
bloody apple.
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