sql server - Unable to connect to the local sql database from unity -

i unable connect local sql database in unity

here code:

int bestplayelevel = 0; string localconnectionstring = @"data source= gauravgoyalpc\sql2008r2;initial catalog=bluering;user=xxx;pwd=xxx;pooling=false;";  sqlconnection con = new sqlconnection (localconnectionstring);  sqlcommand command = new sqlcommand ("getbestplayed", con); command.commandtype = commandtype.storedprocedure; command.parameters.add ("@personid", sqldbtype.uniqueidentifier).value = new guid(personid); command.parameters.add ("@gameid", sqldbtype.uniqueidentifier).value = new guid(gameid);  con.open (); con.close(); 

if change connection string test-server database, works fine, when making connection local database getting problem

error : securityexception: unable connect, no valid crossdomain policy found


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