gruntjs - grunt-contrib-watch slow even with spawn = false -

i have set grunt-contrib-watch task copy list of files "dist" directory every time save 1 of files of "src" directory. unfortunately takes 7 9 seconds accomplish task.

i have heard "spawn" option grunt-contrib-watch. using load-grunt-tasks load config of each task separate json file, changed watch.json looks :

{     "service": {         "files": [             "src/*.php"         ],         "tasks": [             "copy:service"         ],         "options": {             "spawn": "false",             "livereload": "true"         }     } } 

...but setting false doesn't seems change : still takes 7 9 seconds run. installed time-grunt monitor task timing, here got when saving file :

when saving file, got following output :

waiting... >> file "src\myfile.php" changed.  running "copy:service" (copy) task created 7 directories, copied 120 files  done, without errors.   execution time (2015-06-04 11:38:23 utc) loading tasks  333ms  ██████████████████ 40% copy:service   490ms  ██████████████████████████ 60% total 823ms  completed in 7.105s @ thu jun 04 2015 13:38:24 gmt+0200 (w. europe daylight time) 

so looks task in took less second, meaning grunt take 6 seconds load ? seems pretty high. i'm on windows 7, i've heard on windows there performance issues.

same problem here, after changed , execute task modules reload.

but found solution on github (

what's wrong official grunt-contrib-watch?

it's slow , buggy, because uses combination fs.filewatch ,, historical reason. node 0.9.2+, ok.

what do?

  1. install grunt-este-watch

    npm install grunt-este-watch --save-dev 
  2. change contrib watch


    to este watch

  3. change task

    watch: {   javascript: {       files: 'src/js/**/*',       tasks: ['uglify']   } } 


    estewatch: {    options: {       dirs: ['../src/**/*']    },    'js': function(filepath) { return 'uglify' } } 


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