Remove a specific checkin revision from SVN code -

is there quick way remove particular checkin svn codebase? instance, latest svn revision number 9999 , want code not have code checked in revision 9978 & 9979.

this how doing right now:

  1. take checkout until 9977:

svn co -r 9977 repo_path

  1. merge changes until 9999 except 9978 & 9979.

please advise.

as explained in svn book:

undoing changes

an extremely common use svn merge roll change has been committed. suppose you're working away happily on working copy of /calc/trunk, , discover change made way in revision 303, changed integer.c, wrong. never should have been committed. can use svn merge “undo” change in working copy, , commit local modification repository. need specify reverse difference. (you can specifying --revision 303:302, or equivalent --change -303.)

use reverse merge:

svn merge -r 9979:9977 

or use "cherrypick" merge:

svn merge -c -9979 svn merge -c -9978 

after satisfied changes done in working copy, not forget svn checkin.


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