c# - Click on Save or SaveAs dialog of file download -

i have seen couple of question posted on topic none of solution worked that's why posting again.

i using watin automate testing of website. using ie 11. have download , save file, not able click save or saveas button of download window. tried filedownloadhandler of watin didn't worked. not limited watin solutions. thing can use in c# code acceptable

filedownloadhandler filedownloadhandler = new filedownloadhandler(); browser.adddialoghandler(filedownloadhandler); browser.image(find.byalt("download.csv")).ancestor("a").clicknowait(); filedownloadhandler.waituntilfiledownloaddialogishandled(40); filedownloadhandler.waituntildownloadcompleted(200); 

watin not interact windows controls , in windows little. had same problem in handling windows controls had multiple versions of ie. ie 9.0 , higher have different file handling when compared <= ie 8.0 version. below works fine ie 9.0 , higher. please make sure proper references added (refer using's).

using system.threading; using system.windows.automation; using watin.core; using watin.core.native.windows;  namespace testframework.util {   public static class windowshelper   {     #region public methods      /// <summary>     /// download ie file.     /// </summary>             /// <param name="action">action can save/save as/open/cancel.</param>     /// <param name="path">path file needs saved (for save function).</param>     public static void downloadiefile(string action, string path = "", string regexpatterntomatch = "")     {         browser browser = null;         if (utility.browser != null) // utility.browser watin browser instance.         {             if (string.isnullorempty(regexpatterntomatch))             {                 browser = utility.browser;             }             else             {                 utility.wait(() => (browser = browser.attachto<ie>(find.byurl(new system.text.regularexpressions.regex(regexpatterntomatch)))) != null);             }         }         else         {                             return;         }          // if doesn't work try increase sleep interval or write own waituntill method         thread.sleep(3000);         // see information here (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms633515(v=vs.85).aspx)         window windowmain = null;         utility.wait(() => (windowmain = new window(nativemethods.getwindow(browser.hwnd, 5))).processid != 0);          treewalker trw = new treewalker(condition.truecondition);         automationelement mainwindow = trw.getparent(automationelement.fromhandle(browser.hwnd));          window windowdialog = null;         utility.wait(() => (windowdialog = new window(nativemethods.getwindow(windowmain.hwnd, 5))).processid != 0);          windowdialog.setactivate();         automationelementcollection amc = null;         utility.wait(() => (amc = automationelement.fromhandle(windowdialog.hwnd).findall(treescope.children, condition.truecondition)).count > 1);          foreach (automationelement element in amc)         {             // can use "save ", "open", ''cancel', or "close" find necessary button or write own enum             if (element.current.name.equals(action))             {                 // if doesn't work try increase sleep interval or write own waituntil method                 // waituntilbuttonexsist(element,100);                 thread.sleep(1000);                 automationpattern[] pats = element.getsupportedpatterns();                  // replace each if need 'save as' code bellow                 foreach (automationpattern pat in pats)                 {                     // '10000' button click event id                      if (pat.id == 10000)                     {                         invokepattern click = (invokepattern)element.getcurrentpattern(pat);                         click.invoke();                     }                 }             }             else if (element.current.name.equals("save") && action == "save as")             {                 automationelementcollection bmc = element.findall(treescope.children, automation.controlviewcondition);                 invokepattern click1 = (invokepattern)bmc[0].getcurrentpattern(automationpattern.lookupbyid(10000));                 click1.invoke();                 thread.sleep(1000);                  automationelementcollection main = mainwindow.findall(treescope.children, condition.truecondition);                 foreach (automationelement el in main)                 {                     if (el.current.localizedcontroltype == "menu")                     {                         // first array element 'save', second array element 'save as', third second array element   'save , open'                         invokepattern clickmenu = (invokepattern)                                     el.findall(treescope.children, condition.truecondition)[1].getcurrentpattern(automationpattern.lookupbyid(10000));                         clickmenu.invoke();                         thread.sleep(1000);                          controlsavedialog(mainwindow, path);                          break;                     }                 }             }         }     }       /// <summary>     /// control save dialog.     /// </summary>     /// <param name="mainwindow">main window.</param>     /// <param name="path">path.</param>     private static void controlsavedialog(automationelement mainwindow, string path)     {         // obtain save dialog         var saveasdialog = mainwindow                             .findfirst(treescope.descendants,                                        new propertycondition(automationelement.nameproperty, "save as"));         // file name box         var saveastext = saveasdialog                 .findfirst(treescope.descendants,                            new andcondition(                                new propertycondition(automationelement.nameproperty, "file name:"),                                new propertycondition(automationelement.controltypeproperty, controltype.edit)))                 .getcurrentpattern(valuepattern.pattern) valuepattern;          // fill filename box          saveastext.setvalue(path);         thread.sleep(500);         utility.presskey("left");         utility.presskey("left");         thread.sleep(1000);          // find save button         var savebutton =                 saveasdialog.findfirst(treescope.descendants,                 new andcondition(                     new propertycondition(automationelement.nameproperty, "save"),                     new propertycondition(automationelement.controltypeproperty, controltype.button)));          // invoke button         var pattern = savebutton.getcurrentpattern(invokepattern.pattern) invokepattern;         pattern.invoke();     }      #endregion } }   public static class utility {            public static ie browser { get; set; }      // wait specified number of seconds     public static void wait(int seconds)     {         system.threading.thread.sleep(seconds * 1000);     }      // wait condition evaluate true, timeout after 30 seconds     public static void wait(func<bool> condition)     {         int count = 0;          while (!condition() && count < 30)         {             system.threading.thread.sleep(1000);             count++;         }     }      //send tab key press browser     public static void presstab()     {         system.windows.forms.sendkeys.sendwait("{tab}");         system.threading.thread.sleep(300);     }      //send specified key press browser     public static void presskey(string keyname)     {         system.windows.forms.sendkeys.sendwait("{" + keyname.toupper() + "}");         system.threading.thread.sleep(300);     }  } 

hope helps.


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