javascript - how do you access 'this' control's clientID or just do Bootstrap's .popover() in jscript -

the 'this' i'm talking first argument of creatediv function call below. it's linkbutton clicked.

<asp:linkbutton id="btn_reportreply1" runat="server" class="btn btn-danger btn-xs" text="reportreply" onclientclick='<%# string.format("creatediv(this," + eval("uniqueno") +","+ eval("commentseqno") + "," + eval("userno") + ", \"{0}\");", eval("loginid")) %>'   ></asp:linkbutton> 

now want 'this' button want call bootstrap .popover() it. below i'm trying btn's clientid , .popover() red underline shows under btn.clientid. , cannot use button's class because there several buttons have same class.

function creatediv(btn, replyno, commentseqno,reporteduserno, loginid) {                  $('#' + '<%= btn.clientid %>').popover({                 trigger: 'manual',                 placement: 'left',                 content: vtype + vcontent               });               $('#' + '<%= btn.clientid %>').popover("show"); 


onclientclick rendered onclick on dom object. this in scope dom object itself, can use clientid or use $(btn) in function.

here's sample:


<%@ page language="c#" autoeventwireup="true" codebehind="default.aspx.cs" inherits="webapplication1._default" %>  <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 transitional//en" "">  <html xmlns=""> <head runat="server">     <title></title>     <script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/jquery-1.7.1.js"></script>     <script type="text/javascript">         function creatediv(btn) {             $(btn).text($(btn).attr('id'));         }     </script> </head> <body>     <form id="form1" runat="server">     <div>         <asp:repeater runat="server" id="list">             <itemtemplate>                 <div>                     <asp:linkbutton id="thisismyid" text="<%# container.dataitem %>" runat="server" onclientclick="creatediv(this); return false;" />                 </div>             </itemtemplate>         </asp:repeater>     </div>     </form> </body> </html> 

code behind

using system; namespace webapplication1 {     public partial class _default :     {         protected void page_load(object sender, eventargs e)         {             list.datasource = new string[] { "test1", "test2" };             this.databind();         }     } } 


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