hadoop - How to load CSV data with enclosed by double quotes and separated by tab into HIVE table? -

i trying load data csv file in values enclosed double quotes '"' , tab separated '\t' . when try load hive not throwing error , data loaded without error think data getting loaded single column , of values showing null. below create table statement.

create table example ( organization  string, order bigint, created_on  timestamp, issue_date timestamp, qty  int ) row format delimited fields terminated '\t'  escaped '"' stored textfile; 

input file sample;-

 "organization" "order"  "created on"   "issue_date"   "qty"  "gb"   "111223"    "2015/02/06 00:00:00"   "2015/05/15 00:00:00"   "5"  "uk"   "1110"  "2015/05/06 00:00:00"   "2015/06/1 00:00:00"   "51" 

and load statement push data hive table.

 load data inpath '/user/example.csv' overwrite table example 

what issue , how can ignore header of file. , if remove escaped '"' create statement loading in respective columns values enclosed double quotes. how can remove double quotes values , ignore header of file?

you can use opencsvserde allows define separator character , escape surrounding double-quotes :

create external table example (    organization  string,    order bigint,    created_on  timestamp,    issue_date timestamp,    qty  int ) row format serde 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.opencsvserde' serdeproperties (    "separatorchar" = "\t",    "quotechar"     = "\"" )   location '/your/folder/location/'; 


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