java - Auto reload with play2 -

this play2 project having maven nature:

pom.xml relevant code:

<packaging>play2</packaging> <plugin>     <groupid></groupid>     <artifactid>play2-maven-plugin</artifactid>     <version>${play2.plugin.version}</version>      <extensions>true</extensions>     <configuration>       <!-- if using database evolutions -->       <serverjvmargs>-dapplyevolutions.default=true</serverjvmargs>     </configuration>      <executions>       <!-- if there assets in project -->       <execution>         <id>default-play2-compile-assets</id>         <goals>           <goal>closure-compile</goal>           <goal>coffee-compile</goal>           <goal>less-compile</goal>         </goals>           </execution>                         </executions>   </plugin>   

i run project command:

mvn play2:run 

but each time change file, have mvn compile play2:run , reload page.

isn't feature reload current changes without doing maven compile each time ?


i found using mvn play2:run, runs in prod mode. seems problem. don't know how run in dev mode.


[play] [info] play - application started (prod) [play] [info] play - listening http on /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0%0:9000 

running in dev mode , auto-reloading features not implemented yet.

i've started work on these features recently, it's not easy , cannot predict wren available. sorry.


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