ios - Black background when view rotates on orientation change -

i fiddling orientation change responsive app in xcode , trying figure out how can change non-black view seems rotate on black background on orientation change!

it looks this:

enter image description here

i change black background colour of view - pink in depicted case.

when app launches shows black screen until actual view appears. have feeling same black becomes visible on orientation change?

i have tried change background colour of window in did-finish-launching method of app delegate, did not have effect:

- (bool) application:(uiapplication *)application didfinishlaunchingwithoptions:(nsdictionary *)launchoptions {      self.window.backgroundcolor = [uicolor purplecolor];      ... } 

any suggestions?

try using willanimaterotationtointerfaceorientation:duration: method instead of willrotatetointerfaceorientation:duration:

but think of apps in ios show glimpse of black background, seems normal. in case if long time, try reducing duration time.

also check stackoverflow post


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