Getting java output in python -

based on last question here, trying run java in python , results. far code looks this:

import subprocess  = subprocess.popen(['java -xmx1024m -jar ./maui-standalone-1.1-snapshot.jar run /data/models/term_assignment_model -v /data/vocabulary/nyt_descriptors.rdf.gz -f skos'], cwd=r'/users/samuelburke/repositories/rake-tutorial/', shell=true, stdout=subprocess.pipe)  out, err = a.communicate()  print out 

the java on own, when run in command line returns list of keywords text so:

04 jun 2015 12:49:10  info vocabulary - --- loading rdf model skos file... 04 jun 2015 12:49:12  info vocabulary - --- building vocabulary index rdf model... 04 jun 2015 12:49:12  info vocabulary - --- statistics vocabulary:  04 jun 2015 12:49:12  info vocabulary -     498 terms in total 04 jun 2015 12:49:12  info vocabulary -     0 non-descriptive terms 04 jun 2015 12:49:12  info vocabulary -     0 terms have related terms keyword: food 0.010580524344569287 keyword: theater 0.0022471910112359544 keyword: education , schools 0.0022471910112359544 keyword: child care 0.0022471910112359544 keyword: trees , shrubs 0.0022471910112359544 keyword: sociology 0.0022471910112359544 keyword: wines 0.0022471910112359544 keyword: science , technology 0.0022471910112359544 keyword: heart 0.0022471910112359544 keyword: evolution 0.0022471910112359544 

however, running above code returns this:

java.lang.reflect.invocationtargetexception     @ sun.reflect.nativemethodaccessorimpl.invoke0(native method)     @ sun.reflect.nativemethodaccessorimpl.invoke(     @ sun.reflect.delegatingmethodaccessorimpl.invoke(     @ java.lang.reflect.method.invoke(     @     @ caused by: java.lang.exception: name of model required argument.     @ com.entopix.maui.standalonemain.runmaui(     @ com.entopix.maui.standalonemain.main(     ... 6 more 

this first time i'm doing , i'm pretty new programming think might approaching wrong. appreciated. cheers!


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