python - Web2Py Fedora: 403 ( You don't have permission to access / ) -

having trouble with:

wget chmod +x sudo ./ 

i have started scratch.

downloaded fedora 22.

spun virtualbox it. configured server ed. (webserver python web dev modules options checked)

and run script.

trying keep env simple possible download lynx hit test , since server cmd-line only:

403  forbidden don't have permission access / on server. 

the same thing got on normal fedora 21 box when trying deploy.

goal webapp running on private corporate network. not on open web. running powerful access tool wrote in python still need security conscious.

found this:

but doesn't seem using same deployment recipe listed on first link. new linux , web development generous detail. pick , research can. thanks!!!

edit 1 ( script below):

echo "this script will: 1) install modules needed run web2py on fedora , centos/rhel 2) install python 2.6 /opt , recompile wsgi if not provided 2) install web2py in /opt/web-apps/ 3) configure selinux , iptables 5) create self signed ssl certificate 6) setup web2py mod_wsgi 7) create virtualhost entries web2py responds '/' 8) restart apache.  should read script before running it.  although selinux permissions changes have been made, further selinux changes required personal apps. (there may additional changes required bundled apps.)  last resort, selinux can disabled.  simple iptables configuration has been applied.  may want review verify meets needs.  finally, if require proxy access internet, please set machine before running script.  (author: berubejd)  press enter continue...[ctrl+c abort]"  read confirm  #!/bin/bash  ### ###  phase 0 - may messy.  lets work temporary directory ###  current_dir=`pwd`  if [ -d /tmp/setup-web2py/ ];     mv /tmp/setup-web2py/ /tmp/setup-web2py.old/ fi  mkdir -p /tmp/setup-web2py cd /tmp/setup-web2py  ### ###  phase 1 - requirements installation ###  echo echo " - installing packages" echo  # verify packages date yum update  # install required packages yum install httpd mod_ssl mod_wsgi wget python  # verify have @ least python 2.5 typeset -i version_major typeset -i version_minor  version=`rpm --qf %{version} -q python` version_major=`echo ${version} | awk '{split($0, parts, "."); print parts[1]}'` version_minor=`echo ${version} | awk '{split($0, parts, "."); print parts[2]}'`  if [ ! ${version_major} -ge 2 -o ! ${version_minor} -ge 5 ];     # setup 2.6 in /opt - based upon     #      # check earlier python 2.6 install     if [ -e /opt/python2.6 ];         # python installed?         retv=`/opt/python2.6/bin/python -v > /dev/null 2>&1; echo $?`         if [ ${retv} -eq 0 ];             python_installed='true'         else             mv /opt/python2.6 /opt/python2.6-old         fi     fi      # install python 2.6 if doesn't exist     if [ ! "${python_installed}" == "true" ];         # install requirements python build         yum install sqlite-devel zlib-devel          mkdir -p /opt/python2.6          # download , install         wget         tar -xzf python-2.6.4.tgz         cd python-2.6.4         ./configure --prefix=/opt/python2.6 --with-threads --enable-shared --with-zlib=/usr/include         make && make install          cd /tmp/setup-web2py     fi      # create links python 2.6     # if installed sure     ln -s /opt/python2.6/lib/ /usr/lib     ln -s /opt/python2.6/lib/ /usr/lib     ln -s /opt/python2.6/bin/python /usr/local/bin/python     ln -s /opt/python2.6/bin/python /usr/bin/python2.6     ln -s /opt/python2.6/lib/ /opt/python2.6/lib/python2.6/config/      # update linker new libraries     /sbin/ldconfig      # rebuild wsgi take advantage of python 2.6     yum install httpd-devel      cd /tmp/setup-web2py      wget     tar -xzf mod_wsgi-3.3.tar.gz     cd mod_wsgi-3.3     ./configure --with-python=/usr/local/bin/python     make &&  make install      echo "loadmodule wsgi_module modules/" > /etc/httpd/conf.d/wsgi.conf      cd /tmp/setup-web2py fi  ### mysql install untested! # install mysql packages (optional) #yum install mysql mysql-server  # enable mysql start @ boot (optional) #chkconfig --levels 235 mysqld on #service mysqld start  # configure mysql security settings (not optional if mysql installed) #/usr/bin/mysql_secure_installation  ### ### phase 2 - install web2py ###  echo echo " - downloading, installing, , starting web2py" echo  # create web-apps directory, if required if [ ! -d "/opt/web-apps" ];     mkdir -p /opt/web-apps      chmod 755 /opt     chmod 755 /opt/web-apps fi  cd /opt/web-apps  # download web2py if [ -e* ];     rm* fi  wget unzip mv web2py/handlers/ web2py/ chown -r apache:apache web2py  ### ### phase 3 - setup selinux context ###  # set context python libraries if python 2.6 installed if [ -d /opt/python2.6 ];     cd /opt/python2.6     chcon -r -t lib_t lib/ fi  # allow http_tmp_exec required wsgi retv=`setsebool -p httpd_tmp_exec on > /dev/null 2>&1; echo $?` if [ ! ${retv} -eq 0 ];     # centos doesn't support httpd_tmp_exec     cd /tmp/setup-web2py      # create selinux policy cat > httpd.te <<eof  module httpd 1.0;  require {     type httpd_t;     class process execmem; }  #============= httpd_t ============== allow httpd_t self:process execmem; eof      checkmodule -m -m -o httpd.mod httpd.te     semodule_package -o httpd.pp -m httpd.mod     semodule -i httpd.pp  fi  # setup overall web2py selinux context cd /opt chcon -r -t httpd_user_content_t web-apps/  cd /opt/web-apps/web2py/applications  # setup proper context on writable application directories app in `ls`     dir in databases cache errors sessions private uploads             mkdir ${app}/${dir}         chown apache:apache ${app}/${dir}         chcon -r -t tmp_t ${app}/${dir}     done done   ### ### phase 4 - configure iptables ###  cd /tmp/setup-web2py  # create rules file - based upon # cat > iptables.rules <<eof *filter  #  allows loopback (lo0) traffic #  drop traffic 127/8 doesn't use lo0 -a input -i lo -j accept -a input ! -i lo -d -j reject  #  accepts established inbound connections -a input -m state --state established,related -j accept  #  allows outbound traffic -a output -j accept  # allows ssh, http, , https # consider changing ssh port and/or using rate limiting # see -a input -p tcp -m state --state new --dport 22 -j accept -a input -p tcp --dport 80 -j accept -a input -p tcp --dport 443 -j accept  # allow ping -a input -p icmp -m icmp --icmp-type 8 -j accept  # log iptables denied calls -a input -m limit --limit 5/min -j log --log-prefix "iptables denied: " --log-level 7  # reject other inbound - default deny unless explicitly allowed policy -a input -j reject -a forward -j reject  commit eof  /sbin/iptables -f cat iptables.rules | /sbin/iptables-restore /sbin/service iptables save  ### ### phase 5 - setup ssl ###  echo echo " - creating self signed certificate" echo  # verify ssl directory exists if [ ! -d "/etc/httpd/ssl" ];     mkdir -p /etc/httpd/ssl fi  # generate , protect certificate openssl genrsa 1024 > /etc/httpd/ssl/self_signed.key openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -sha1 -days 365 -key /etc/httpd/ssl/self_signed.key > /etc/httpd/ssl/self_signed.cert openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint -text < /etc/httpd/ssl/self_signed.cert > /etc/httpd/ssl/  chmod 400 /etc/httpd/ssl/self_signed.*  ### ### phase 6 - configure apache ###  echo echo " - configure apache use mod_wsgi" echo  # create config if [ -e /etc/httpd/conf.d/welcome.conf ];     mv /etc/httpd/conf.d/welcome.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/welcome.conf.disabled fi  cat  > /etc/httpd/conf.d/default.conf <<eof  namevirtualhost *:80 namevirtualhost *:443  <virtualhost *:80>   wsgidaemonprocess web2py user=apache group=apache processes=1 threads=1   wsgiprocessgroup web2py   wsgiscriptalias / /opt/web-apps/web2py/   wsgipassauthorization on    <directory /opt/web-apps/web2py>     allowoverride none     order allow,deny     deny     <files>       allow     </files>   </directory>    aliasmatch ^/([^/]+)/static/(?:_[\d]+.[\d]+.[\d]+/)?(.*) /opt/web-apps/web2py/applications/\$1/static/\$2    <directory /opt/web-apps/web2py/applications/*/static>     options -indexes     order allow,deny     allow   </directory>    <location /admin>     deny   </location>    <locationmatch ^/([^/]+)/appadmin>     deny   </locationmatch>    customlog /var/log/httpd/access_log common   errorlog /var/log/httpd/error_log </virtualhost>  <virtualhost *:443>   sslengine on   sslcertificatefile /etc/httpd/ssl/self_signed.cert   sslcertificatekeyfile /etc/httpd/ssl/self_signed.key    wsgiprocessgroup web2py   wsgiscriptalias / /opt/web-apps/web2py/   wsgipassauthorization on    <directory /opt/web-apps/web2py>     allowoverride none     order allow,deny     deny     <files>       allow     </files>   </directory>    aliasmatch ^/([^/]+)/static/(?:_[\d]+.[\d]+.[\d]+/)?(.*) /opt/web-apps/web2py/applications/\$1/static/\$2    <directory /opt/web-apps/web2py/applications/*/static>     options -indexes     expiresactive on     expiresdefault "access plus 1 hour"     order allow,deny     allow   </directory>    customlog /var/log/httpd/access_log common   errorlog /var/log/httpd/error_log </virtualhost>  eof  # fix wsgi socket locations echo "wsgisocketprefix run/wsgi" >> /etc/httpd/conf.d/wsgi.conf  # restart apache pick changes service httpd restart  ### ### phase 7 - setup web2py admin password ###  echo echo " - setup web2py admin password" echo  cd /opt/web-apps/web2py sudo -u apache python -c "from gluon.main import save_password; save_password(raw_input('admin password: '),443)"  ### ### phase 8 - verify required services start @ boot ###  /sbin/chkconfig iptables on /sbin/chkconfig httpd on  ### ### phase 999 - done! ###  # change original directory cd ${current_directory}  echo " - complete!" echo 


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