text detection from an image with perspective distortion using matlab -

can know different methods text detection image perspective distortion using matlab or code available.is opencv better matlab text detection

i think, matlab text detection (ocr). there ara few libraries ocr. important ones :

tesseract considered 1 of accurate open source ocr engines available.

i have worked on ocr perspective distortion , use matlab-tesseract library.

i have handle perspective distorsion problem rotate image finding image border , lines houghlines method.

i share code snippet , hope gives vision issue

        function [ output_args ] = rotate_image(  )          clc;          close all;          clear;            = imread("any_images")          i2 = imcrop(i,[85 150 590 480]);          i3 = imcrop(i2,[-85 0 440 480]);          imwrite (i3,'original.tiff', 'resolution', 300);         thresh = graythresh(i3);         bimage = im2bw(i3, thresh);         bimage = edge(bimage,'sobel');         [h, t, r] = hough(bimage);%,'rhoresolution',0.1,'theta',[-90,0]);         p  = houghpeaks(h,10);%,'threshold',ceil(0.3*max(h(:))));         % find lines , plot them         lines = houghlines(bimage,t,r,p);%,'fillgap',100,'minlength',5);         figure, imshow(i3), hold on         max_len = 0;         k = 1:length(lines)             xy = [lines(k).point1; lines(k).point2];             len = norm(lines(k).point1 - lines(k).point2);             if ( len > max_len)                 max_len = len;                 xy_long = xy;             end         end      % highlight longest line segment     plot(xy_long(:,1),xy_long(:,2),'linewidth',2,'color','blue');     = -xy_long(1,1) + xy_long(2,1);         b = -xy_long(1,2) + xy_long(2,2);      angle=180-atand(b/a);      if angle > 180         angle = angle-180;     end      angle     b = imresize(i3, 2);     if angle > 90         b =  imrotate(b, 90 - angle ,'bilinear','crop');    else          b =  imrotate(b, -angle,'bilinear','crop');    end     imwrite (b,'rotated_image.tiff', 'resolution', 300);   end   


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