oracle - Stored procedure created but not returning output -

i have created stored procedure - it's created on server when executing it, procedure completed message, it's not returning output.

procedure below

create or replace procedure dfadmin.usp_getpicklist_df (  p_ord_type in varchar2,  p_picklist_out out sys_refcursor,  p_picklist_ord out sys_refcursor )  v_totalopenorder integer;  v_astockqty integer;  v_bstockqty integer;  v_loopcounter integer;  v_astock integer;  v_bstock integer;  v_totalbstockqty integer;   begin     select count(distinct ord_nbr) v_totalopenorder  dfadmin.df_orders ord_status='open' , ord_type='df';  begin         if v_totalopenorder>0             v_bstockqty:=round(((v_totalopenorder*60)/100),0);             v_astockqty:=v_totalopenorder-v_bstockqty;              select count(1) v_astock  dfadmin.ro_hist process='astock' , order_type='df';             select count(1) v_bstock  dfadmin.ro_hist process='bstock' , order_type='df';              if (v_bstock < v_bstockqty)                 open p_picklist_out                     select t.qty,t.putaway_bin bin,t.boxid box_id ,t.pickqty pick_qty                     (                         select  sum(i.qty) qty, i.putaway_bin,i.boxid,'1' pickqty                          (select * dfadmin.ro_hist order_type='df' , qty<=v_bstock order created_date asc )                          boxid in (select k.boxid dfadmin.ro_hist k)                         ,  i.process='bstock'  ,  i.putaway_bin not null   , qty<=v_bstock                         group i.putaway_bin,i.boxid,i.qty, i.process,'1'                     union                         select  sum(i.qty) qty, i.putaway_bin,i.boxid,'1' pickqty                          (select * dfadmin.ro_hist  order_type='df' order created_date asc )                          boxid in (select k.boxid dfadmin.ro_hist k )                         ,  i.process='astock'  ,  i.putaway_bin not null  , qty<=(v_totalopenorder-v_bstock) --and case when v_bstock>0  rownum<=(v_totalopenorder-v_bstock) else rownum>0 end                         group i.putaway_bin,i.boxid,i.qty, i.process,'1'                     ) t  order  t.qty asc;                     open p_picklist_ord                     select distinct ord_nbr,'' qty,''  bin,'' box_id ,'' pick_qty  dfadmin.df_orders ord_status='open' , ord_type='df' ;                     else                      begin                               open p_picklist_out                     select t.qty,t.putaway_bin bin,t.boxid box_id ,t.pickqty pick_qty                     (                         select  sum(i.qty) qty, i.putaway_bin,i.boxid,'1' pickqty                          (select * dfadmin.ro_hist order_type='df' , qty<=v_bstock order created_date asc )                          boxid in (select k.boxid dfadmin.ro_hist k )                         ,  i.process='bstock'  ,  i.putaway_bin not null   , qty<=v_bstockqty                         group i.putaway_bin,i.boxid,i.qty, i.process,'1'                     union                         select  sum(i.qty) qty, i.putaway_bin,i.boxid,'1' pickqty                          (select * dfadmin.ro_hist order_type='df' order created_date asc )                          boxid in (select k.boxid dfadmin.ro_hist k )                         ,  i.process='astock'  ,  i.putaway_bin not null  , qty<=(v_totalopenorder-v_bstockqty) --and case when v_bstock>0  rownum<=(v_totalopenorder-v_bstock) else rownum>0 end                         group i.putaway_bin,i.boxid,i.qty, i.process,'1'                     ) t  order  t.qty asc;                     open p_picklist_ord                     select distinct ord_nbr,'' qty,''  bin,'' box_id ,'' pick_qty  dfadmin.df_orders ord_status='open' , ord_type='df';                     end ;              end if;          end if;     end;   end usp_getpicklist_df; 

in procedure there 1 input parameter , 2 output parameter.

in procedure, there no dbms_output or similar, lead output/display of data.

there 2 output parameters of sys_refcursor type, suppose considering desired output content of these parameters after procedure execution. after call of procedure can fetch these cursors variables , e.g. display data this.

declare vpicklist_out sys_refcursor; vpicklist_ord sys_refcursor; myrecord mytable%rowtype; begin usp_getpicklist_df('somestring', vpicklist_out ,vpicklist_ord );  loop       fetch vpicklist_out myrecord1;         exit when vpicklist_out%notfound;        dbms_output.put_line(to_char(myrecord1.col1));   end loop; end; 

note, don't know exact structure of data, myrecord in example declared rowtype of table called mytable.


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