php - How to preg_replace content between {{ }} -

the following code replace content between {{ }}. example use {{example}} load custom text db replace content in html output. works @ times not , unsure why. maybe in same line if use 2 {{one}} , {{two}} .. thought maybe doing preg_replace wrong.

function translate($tagname){    global $$tagname;    return $$tagname; }  function replacetags($body){    $body = preg_replace('!{{(.*?)}}!uei', "''.translate('$1').''", $body);    return $body; } 

you should drop u modifier, turn ungreedy (.*?) greedy, , not want.

also, e modifier deprecated in php 5.5.0. use preg_replace_callback instead:

$firstname = 'jane'; $lastname = 'doe';  function translate($tagname){     global $$tagname;     return $$tagname; }  function translatematch($matches) {     return translate($matches[1]); }  function replacetags($body){     $body = preg_replace_callback('!{{(.*?)}}!i', 'translatematch', $body);     return $body; }  echo replacetags("hello, {{firstname}} {{lastname}}!"), php_eol; 


hello, jane doe! 


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