c# - DataTable does not release memory -

i have data loading process load big amount of data datatable data process, every time when job finished dataloader.exe(32bit, has 1.5g memory limit) not release memory being used.

i tried 3 ways release memory:

  1. datatable.clear() call datatable.dispose() (release 800 mb memory still increase 200 mb memory every time data loading job finish, after 3 or 4 times of data loading, out of memory exception thrown because exceeds 1.5 g memory in total)
  2. set datatable null (no memory released, , if choose load more data, out of memory exception thrown)
  3. call datatable.dispose() directly (no memory released, , if choose load more data, out of memory exception thrown)

following code tried testing(in real program not called recursively, triggered directory watching logic. code testing. sorry confusion.):

using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.linq; using system.text; using system.data;  namespace datatable_memory_test { class program {     static void main(string[] args)     {         try         {             loaddata();                             console.readkey();          }         catch (exception ex)         {             console.writeline(ex.tostring());             console.readkey();         }     }      private static void loaddata()     {         datatable table = new datatable();         table.columns.add("dosage", typeof(int));         table.columns.add("drug", typeof(string));         table.columns.add("patient", typeof(string));         table.columns.add("date", typeof(datetime));          // fill data table make take 1 g memory.         (int = 0; < 1677700; i++)         {             table.rows.add(25, "indocin", "david", datetime.now);             table.rows.add(50, "enebrel", "sam", datetime.now);             table.rows.add(10, "hydralazine", "christoff", datetime.now);             table.rows.add(21, "combivent", "janet", datetime.now);             table.rows.add(100, "dilantin", "melanie", datetime.now);         }         console.writeline("data table load finish: please check memory.");         console.writeline("press 0 clear , dispose datatable, press 1 set datatable null, press 2 dispose datatable directly");         string key = console.readline();         if (key == "0")         {             table.clear();             table.dispose();             console.writeline("datatable disposed, data table row count {0}", table.rows.count);             gc.collect();                long lmemorymb = gc.gettotalmemory(true/* true = collect garbage before measuring */) / 1024 / 1024; // memory in megabytes             console.writeline(lmemorymb);          }         else if (key == "1")         {             table = null;             gc.collect();             long lmemorymb = gc.gettotalmemory(true/* true = collect garbage before measuring */) / 1024 / 1024; // memory in megabytes             console.writeline(lmemorymb);         }         else if (key == "2")         {             table.dispose();             gc.collect();             long lmemorymb = gc.gettotalmemory(true/* true = collect garbage before measuring */) / 1024 / 1024; // memory in megabytes             console.writeline(lmemorymb);         }         console.writeline("job finish, please check memory");         console.writeline("press 0 exit, press 1 load more data , check if throw out of memory exception");          key = console.readline();         if (key == "0")         {             environment.exit(0);         }         else if (key == "1")         {             loaddata();         }     }   } } 

if move part when ask reiterate outside of function, memory freed correctly (only tested method 1(clear , dispose)):

static void main(string[] args) {     try     {         string key;                 {             loaddata();             console.writeline("job finish, please check memory");             console.writeline("press 0 exit, press 1 load more data , check if throw out of memory exception");             key = console.readline();         } while (key == "1");     }     catch (exception ex)     {         console.writeline(ex.tostring());         console.readkey();     } } 

probably, objects' memory freed when out of scope


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