powershell - Copy last column values -

i have text file (dynamically generated script) shown below:

host1            answer     myip1 host6557         answer     myip2 host12           question   myip3 host253          answer     myip4 

what want: need copy "myip" columns file. can see space between "host" , "a" not fixed. ex, between host1 , has 7 spaces, between host6557 , has 4 spaces. need copy last column start values, "10." or "192."

how can achieved in powershell?


  1. i want data pasted in file in place of 1st column contents shown below: means need replace values of ip1,2,3 these copied values.

    enter image description here

  2. if it's done, suppose let's have 4th value above (without credentials) again need copy username, password 3rd value , paste there near 4th value. final expected figure:

    enter image description here


$hip = get-content "c:\timezone\host - copy.txt" foreach ($ips in $hip) {   $ip = $ips -split ','   $sip = $ip[0]    if ($iplist -match $sip) {     write-host "nothing do"   } else {     add-content $hip "`n$iplist',username,password'"   } } 

no error, cant find checks last if loop, because values says "nothing do".

use -split operator split line @ consecutive spaces, , take last element:

get-content testfile.txt | foreach { ($_.trim() -split '\s+')[-1] } 

the .trim() remove potential trailing spaces in line result in last split element being null.


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