ruby - rails uninitialized constant Sprockets::SassCacheStore -

i'm new rails , trying playing around gems , such.

my case here have navigation menu on website , needed current_page link selected.. rather building helper wanted install gem went , looked 1 , found this one.

i followed documentation said:

in gemfile added gem 'rack_current_page'

then in project root

require ::file.expand_path('../config/environment', __file__) use rack::currentpage run rails.application 

and ran:

bundle , rails s find out had error:

uninitialized constant sprockets::sasscachestore

the error happens when including application stylesheet in layout file.

i'm using following packages / versions (only listing might have impact - if i'm missing let me know)

(<gem> -v)

  • rails 4.2.1
  • sprockets 3.0.0
  • sass 3.4.13
  • rack 1.5

while doing uninstall removed every line added - heck reset project files head since started working on anyways, ran fresh bundle, restarted server, checked site i'm getting error above..

i googled , tried similar question on couldn't find thing try uninstall , reset git.

i'm looking on stupid can't find answer here ;)

any appriciated, in advance , comment if missed info guys need.

time of writing

i did quick gem pristine --all no results either.

edit 1

okay, abit of guesswork , same situation happening before resulting in recreation of fresh app in (short) past uninstalled compass-rails gem , ran bundle afterwhich rails s test if things started working.

it did. went on , reinstalled compass-rails , kept working... getting quite confused :s

okay here goes:

i've found problem , solved supplying version works rails 4.2.

the default gem compass-rails installs version incompatible sprockets.

when added specific version seen here , ran bundle versions of of packages named in question changed.

console output after gemfile modification included:

installing sprockets 2.12.3 (was 3.0.0) using sprockets-rails 2.3.1 (was 2.2.4) installing sass-rails 5.0.1 (was 5.0.3) installing compass-rails 2.0.4 (was 2.0.1) 

guess it's waiting compass release compatible version.


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