typoscript exclude language parameter canonical tag -

i've got question typo3 canonical tag.

thats code:

tmp.canonical = text tmp.canonical {   typolink.parameter.data = tsfe:id   typolink.returnlast = url   wrap = <link rel="canonical" href="http://www.myurl.com/|" /> } page.headerdata.3750 < tmp.canonical 

what want cut out language parameter(e.g. http://www.myurl.com/abc?id=191&l=1).

my result @ moment canonical tag like:

href="http://www.myurl.com/unternehmen.191.0.html?&l=1" />

but want 1 like:

href="http://www.myurl.com/unternehmen.191.0.html?&" />

how can check if there language parameter , how can delete if there one(there not languageparameter on every page)?

you can use stdwrap.replacement regex cut out, confuse search engines , visitors , have negative effect on seo.


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