android - How to make a zig-zag layout? -

i want create zig-zag layout same following attached image:


i tried lot creating diagonal lines , arranging them icon couldn't make same.

i implemented diagonal lines of accepted answer following questions:

  1. diagonal line across view
  2. how rotate line in android xml?

however i'm stuck arrange lines icons same in image.

i created custom file cater requirement. have update package name in 1st line. extends relativelayout, can use in layout-xmls other viewgroup class. once have instantiated layout, add child-views done relativelayout via addview(view child).

example code snippet dynamically created view:

zigzaglayout zigzaglayout = (zigzaglayout) findviewbyid(; button btn = new button(this); btn.settext("test button"); btn.setlayoutparams(new relativelayout.layoutparams(relativelayout.layoutparams.wrap_content, relativelayout.layoutparams.wrap_content)); zigzaglayout.addview(btn); 

i've added few interfaces zigzaglayout easy interaction ability set connector-line stroke width, visibility, color, margins, etc.

try out , let me know if suffices requirement. cheers.


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