java - How to find property name by accessor method name with popular library? -

i have custom annotation, applying getters and/or setters.

not want processing. find annotated methods , wish calculate property name of method. i.e. need cut-out "get" or "set" or "is" prefix , decapitalization.

are there common library spring or apache beanutils, provide these functions me?

pfb sample code method names having custom annotation :

find methods custom annotations:

import java.lang.annotation.annotation; import java.lang.reflect.method;  public class findannotations {      public static void getannotations(class clazz) {         (method method : clazz.getdeclaredmethods()) {             (annotation annotation : method.getdeclaredannotations()) {                 if (annotation.annotationtype() == customannotation.class) {                      // processing here                     string name = method.getname();                     system.out.println(name + " : "                             + name.replaceall("get|set|is", ""));                 }             }         }     }      public static void main(string[] args) {         getannotations(childtest.class);     } } 

childtest uses customannotation:

public class childtest {      private string childname;      @customannotation     public void setchildname(string childname) {         this.childname = childname;     }      @customannotation     public string getchildname() {         return this.childname;     }      @customannotation     public boolean ischildname(string childname) {         return true;     } } 

custom annotation class:

@target(elementtype.method) @retention(retentionpolicy.runtime) public @interface customannotation {     string info() default ""; } 


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