ios - How to disable cancel button interaction? -

in apple watch interface controller top left side had cancel label or screen title. in case once login completed don't want go screen. want disable user interaction cancel label or screen title area. though title not there it's taking user interaction , it's taking screen. in advance!!

we can't disable back/cancel button user intaraction can load controller without cancel button.

presentcontrollerwithname("newinterfacecontroller", context: nil) 

presentcontrollerwithname present controller cancel button. if use below won't cancel button.

wkinterfacecontroller.reloadrootcontrollerswithnames(["newinterfacecontroller"], contexts: ["newinterfacecontroller"]) 

reloadrootcontrollerswithnames make our controller root controller won't cancel button. how resolved issue. hope well.

note: here [ ] syntax. exp: ["newinterfacecontroller"]


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