oracle - How to Execute these statements given beolw as a script in SQL*Plus, not as stored procedure -

procedure sp_process_rate_plan            var_cursor integer;            prv_rp_update_sql varchar2(4000);            prv_rp_insert_sql varchar2(4000);            v_dummy integer;            sql_statement varchar2(400);            /* massage data rate_plan table */            begin                  /*trigger dropped , recreated table priceview_rate_plan_proc */               execute immediate 'drop trigger rate_plan_id_trigger';               execute immediate 'create or replace trigger rate_plan_id_trigger              before insert on priceview_rate_plan_proc              each row              begin              select rate_plan_id_seq.nextval :new.rate_plan_id dual;              end;';                            /* update rate_period same value rate_periods*/                         prv_rp_update_sql:= 'update  rate_usage_overrides             set       a.rate_period = ''0''                a.seqnum  not in (select /*+ use_hash(rate_usage_overrides) */                                                            a.seqnum                                 rate_usage_overrides b                                 a.type_id_usg = b.type_id_usg                                 , a.element_id = b.element_id                                 , a.jurisdiction = b.jurisdiction                                 , a.provider_class = b.provider_class                                 , a.corridor_plan_id = b.corridor_plan_id                                 , ( a.fixed_charge_amt <> b.fixed_charge_amt                                         or  a.add_fixed_amt <> b.add_fixed_amt                                                                         or a.add_unit_rate <> b.add_unit_rate )                                                                 , decode(a.inactive_dt,null,''00/00/0000'',a.inactive_dt) = decode(b.inactive_dt,null,''00/00/0000'',b.inactive_dt)                                                                 , a.active_dt = b.active_dt )                  ,                                                                 (select count(*) rate_usage_overrides c                                                                                                                                           a.type_id_usg = c.type_id_usg                                  , a.element_id = c.element_id                                  , a.jurisdiction = c.jurisdiction                                  , a.provider_class = c.provider_class                                  , a.corridor_plan_id = c.corridor_plan_id                                  , a.fixed_charge_amt = c.fixed_charge_amt                                  , a.add_fixed_amt = c.add_fixed_amt                                                          , decode(a.inactive_dt,null,''00/00/0000'',a.inactive_dt) = decode(c.inactive_dt,null,''00/00/0000'',c.inactive_dt)                                                          , a.active_dt = c.active_dt                                  , a.add_unit_rate = c.add_unit_rate) > 1';                          var_cursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor;                         dbms_sql.parse(var_cursor,prv_rp_update_sql,dbms_sql.v7);                  v_dummy:= dbms_sql.execute(var_cursor);                 dbms_sql.close_cursor(var_cursor);                commit;                                lock table priceview_rate_plan_proc in exclusive  mode;                          /* insert rate_plan data */                          prv_rp_insert_sql := 'insert priceview_rate_plan_proc                                  (ssr_code,                                  corridor_plan_id,                                  corridor_plan_description,                                  usage_type,                                  product,                                  jurisdiction,                                  provider,                                  rate_period,                                  flagfall,                                  rate,                                  rateband,                                  numsecs,                                  band_rate,                                  active_dt,                                  inactive_dt)                                  select /*+ use_hash(rate_usage_overrides,corridor_plan_id_values,product_elements,descriptions,jurisdictions,rate_usage_bands_overrides) */                                  distinct                                  decode(a.corridor_plan_id,0, '''', (select c.short_display corridor_plan_id_values c a.corridor_plan_id = c.corridor_plan_id)) ssr_code,                                  a.corridor_plan_id corridor_plan_id,                                  decode(a.corridor_plan_id,0, '''', (select d.display_value corridor_plan_id_values d a.corridor_plan_id = d.corridor_plan_id)) corridor_plan_description,                                    decode(a.type_id_usg,0, '''', (select f.description_text usage_types e, descriptions f a.type_id_usg = e.type_id_usg , e.description_code = f.description_code)) usage_type,                                   decode(a.element_id,0, '''', (select h.description_text product_elements g,descriptions h a.element_id = g.element_id , g.description_code = h.description_code)) product,                                   decode(a.jurisdiction,0, '''', (select j.description_text jurisdictions i,descriptions j a.jurisdiction = i.jurisdiction , j.description_code = i.description_code)) jurisdiction,                                   decode(a.provider_class,0, '''', (select k.display_value provider_class_values k a.provider_class = k.provider_class)) provider,                                  decode(a.rate_period,''0'', '''',(select l.display_value rate_period_values       l a.rate_period = l.rate_period)) rate_period,                                  (a.fixed_charge_amt/100) + (a.add_fixed_amt/10000000) flagfall,                                  (a.add_unit_rate/10000000) * 60 rate,                                  b.rateband rateband,                                  b.num_units numsecs,                                  (b.unit_rate/10000000) * 60 band_rate,                                  a.active_dt active_dt,                                  a.inactive_dt inactive_dt                                  rate_usage_overrides a,                                  rate_usage_bands_overrides b                                  a.seqnum = b.seqnum(+)';                var_cursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor;                  dbms_sql.parse(var_cursor,prv_rp_insert_sql,dbms_sql.v7);                  v_dummy:= dbms_sql.execute(var_cursor);                  dbms_sql.close_cursor(var_cursor);                           commit;                           /* create indexes */                          execute immediate 'drop index rrp_rate_plan_id';                          execute immediate 'drop index rrp_usage_type';                          execute immediate 'drop index rrp_corridor_plan_id';                          execute immediate 'drop index rrp_ssr_code';                          execute immediate 'drop index rrp_ut_prod';                          execute immediate 'drop index rrp_ut_juris';                          execute immediate 'drop index rrp_ut_juris_prov';                          execute immediate 'drop index rrp_ut_pd_jr_pv';                          execute immediate 'drop index rrp_ut_prod_juris';                          execute immediate 'drop index rrp_ut_prod_prov';                          execute immediate 'drop index rrp_ut_prov';                            execute immediate 'create index rrp_corridor_plan_id on priceview_rate_plan_proc(corridor_plan_id, usage_type) tablespace prv_index storage( pctincrease 0 )';                          execute immediate 'create unique index rrp_rate_plan_id on priceview_rate_plan_proc(rate_plan_id) tablespace prv_index storage( pctincrease 0 )';                          execute immediate 'create index rrp_ssr_code on priceview_rate_plan_proc(ssr_code) tablespace prv_index storage( pctincrease 0 )';                          execute immediate 'create index rrp_usage_type on priceview_rate_plan_proc(usage_type) tablespace prv_index storage( pctincrease 0 )';                          execute immediate 'create index rrp_ut_prod on priceview_rate_plan_proc(usage_type, product) tablespace prv_index  storage( pctincrease 0 )';                          execute immediate 'create index rrp_ut_juris on priceview_rate_plan_proc(usage_type, jurisdiction) tablespace prv_index storage( pctincrease 0 )';                          execute immediate 'create index rrp_ut_juris_prov on priceview_rate_plan_proc(usage_type, jurisdiction, provider) tablespace prv_index storage( pctincrease 0 )';                          execute immediate 'create index rrp_ut_pd_jr_pv on priceview_rate_plan_proc(usage_type, product, jurisdiction, provider) tablespace prv_index storage( pctincrease 0 )';                          execute immediate 'create index rrp_ut_prod_juris on  priceview_rate_plan_proc(usage_type, product, jurisdiction) tablespace prv_index storage( pctincrease 0 )';                          execute immediate 'create index rrp_ut_prod_prov on priceview_rate_plan_proc(usage_type, product, provider) tablespace prv_index storage( pctincrease 0 )';                          execute immediate 'create index rrp_ut_prov on priceview_rate_plan_proc(usage_type, provider)  tablespace prv_index  storage( pctincrease 0 )';                           /* cut on new tables */                          lock table priceview_rate_plan in exclusive  mode ;                           execute immediate 'alter table priceview_rate_plan rename priceview_rate_plan_x';                          execute immediate 'alter table priceview_rate_plan_proc rename priceview_rate_plan';                          execute immediate 'alter table priceview_rate_plan_x rename priceview_rate_plan_proc';                           /* remove old data */                          execute immediate 'truncate table priceview_rate_plan_proc';                  end sp_process_rate_plan;  end priceview_process_extract; 

i new sql , no idea above code need in converting procedure sql script

there many factors, affects query performance :

  1. network traffic
  2. table joins
  3. number of records in each tables.
  4. indexing , many more...

i can see inside procedure, executing lot of ddland dml queries, impact procedure performance.

what can is, can execute each ddl , dml query individually , see, query taking longer time. if able find out query, impacting procedure performance. then, can analyze query , related tables better performance. also, remove unnecessary code dropping/creating trigger (it's not idea use trigger temporary objects, since creating , dropping trigger in each procedure execution).


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