objective c - SDWebImage's sd_setImageWithURL crashes the application when trying to show 100 of images in view -

i showing around 100 of urls in 1 screen asyncronusly in button image sdwebimage.

i facing issues memory load when tried show images url.

i have 1 uiscrollview , in have 1 uiimageview has 100 uibutton added dynamaically.

now requirement when user zoomed int uiscrollview @ level need show image in uibutton , when start show image server button following code crashes witht memory warning.

[btn sd_setimagewithurl:[nsurl urlwithstring:busowner.whitelargelogourl] forstate:uicontrolstatenormal placeholderimage:[uiimage imagenamed:placeholderimage]]; 

can 1 please let me know how can resolve memory issues , can show images @ same time 100 buttons?

i have tried put uiiamgeview instead of uibutton , have tried use

 dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_global_queue(dispatch_queue_priority_default, 0ul);         dispatch_async(queue, ^{             // perform non main thread operation             (businessownerentity *busowner in arrbusowner) {                 nsurl *url = [nsurl urlwithstring:busowner.whitelargelogourl];                  sdwebimagemanager *manager = [sdwebimagemanager sharedmanager];                  [manager downloadimagewithurl:url options:sdwebimageprogressivedownload progress:^(nsinteger receivedsize, nsinteger expectedsize) {                      nslog(@"recieved file %ld",(long)receivedsize);                  } completed:^(uiimage *image, nserror *error, sdimagecachetype cachetype, bool finished, nsurl *imageurl) {                  }];             }             dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{                 // perform main thread operation             });         }); 

to download images before crashes here too..

use sdwebimage callbacks load images in queue, not @ same time.
reduce memory consumption , avoid ios kill app.

[manager downloadimagewithurl:url options:sdwebimageprogressivedownload progress:^(nsinteger receivedsize, nsinteger expectedsize) {                  nslog(@"recieved file %ld",(long)receivedsize);              } completed:^(uiimage *image, nserror *error, sdimagecachetype cachetype, bool finished, nsurl *imageurl) {                        if ("are less 10 images loading?"){                           [self startnewimageloading];                        }             }]; 


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