Android - volley multiple requests -

i have 2 requests need execute

onstart(...){     callfirstws();     callsecondws(); } 

each function use singleton class format


the singleton class

public final class internetsingleton {     private static internetsingleton singleton;     private requestqueue requestqueue;     private static context context;      private internetsingleton(context context) {         internetsingleton.context = context;         requestqueue = getrequestqueue();     }      public static synchronized internetsingleton getinstance(context context) {         if (singleton == null) {             singleton = new internetsingleton(context);         }         return singleton;     }      public requestqueue getrequestqueue() {         if (requestqueue == null) {             requestqueue = volley.newrequestqueue(context.getapplicationcontext());         }         return requestqueue;     }      public void addtorequestqueue(request request) {         getrequestqueue().add(request);     } } 

when run app, first ws called, second not ideas?

i solved problem.

in response of 2st request tried set data 1st response. sorry bad english


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