Partially indexing Cassandra table with SOLR -
one of tables inside our cassandra (dse 4.7) cluster contains south of 15 billion records. number of servers have - impossible index them solr.
so, possible somehow index data partially/sample and/or start indexing , "pause" indexing let's after 500mm records?
i assume other option dump 500mm records , reload them "temp" table , index that...?
the point is, start indexing , have ability search , grow , add more servers - have ability index more , pause again.
is possible?
there no way index few rows. agree parallel table (probably ttl) best bet.
here (pretty effective) tactics minimize size of dse search index. can shrink ~50% if you're not using things highlighting (term...) or boosts (omitnorms):
• set termvectors="false"
• set termpositions="false"
• set termoffsets="false"
• set omitnorms="true"
• index fields intend search
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