javascript - React.js with CoffeeScript - passing props and methods to child component -

i working react.js using coffeescript, makes impossible me use jsx (or it?).

i use global namespace _ store controllers , views etc.

i have modal controller creates modal wrapper , accepts content (another react view component).

class modal  constructor : (@react) ->     @wrapper = $('#modal')  create : (@content, @data, @callback) ->     # save     _this = @     # create modal wrapper     wrapperview = @react.createclass         getinitialstate : ->             visible : false          # after mounting         componentdidmount : ->            // not important code          componentdidupdate : ->             // not important code          componentwillunmount : ->             # remove esc event             _.event.lose 'closemodal'          close : ->             @setstate                 visible : false          render : ->             _.react.div 'classname' : 'modal',                _this.react.createelement @props.content, data :, close : @close      # renders modal window prepared wrapper     @react.render (@react.createelement wrapperview, { content : @content, data : @data }), @wrapper.get 0 

what worries me bit line

_this.react.createelement @props.content, data :, close : @close 

@props.content react component passed modal controller , (lets _.views.form). pass modals methods such close need list them when create them.

is there no way child element access parents methods , props without them being implicitly passed?

would bad practice below , pass parent has child element?

_this.react.createelement @props.content, @ 

if your'e passing initialized react element, should rendering it, not creating new one. that's done so:

react.render(element, container, callback); 

if want create new one, you'd use react.cloneelement depending on version. clone element can pass element's props second parameter, or in earlier versions of react there deprecated method called clonewithprops.

and if want methods parent accessible in child, must pass them or alternatively use flux pattern call action child.


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