objective c - how to change contentSize,height,setContentOffset of the UIScrollView with iOS 8 Size Classes and Autolayout -

i using uiscrollview in storyboard , subview on top of scrollview not able update contentsize,height,setcontentoffset of uiscrollview @ run time .i have added constraints of scrollview .in storyboard. uiscrollview taking height =800 added in storyboard. @ run time want change contentsize <=1195 . enter image description here

i used code update

upperscrol.contentsize = cgsizemake(upperscrol.frame.size.width, hieght); upperscrol.delegate=self; upperscrol.userinteractionenabled=yes; 

setting setcontentoffset

 cgpoint bottomoffset = cgpointmake(0, [upperscrol contentsize].height - upperscrol.frame.size.height);     [upperscrol setcontentoffset:bottomoffset animated:yes]; [self.view addsubview:upperscrol]; 

this view hierarchy

what way update height of uiscrollview @ run time

enter image description here


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