How can I build Shiny applications with Animation in R? -

i trying build shiny app build interactive animations r. have function can build gifs/other output options using animation package( loops through series of ggplots(by date). , shiny app can show single ggplot based on selected date.i want build shiny app refreshes animation based on selected date range.

are there examples of code uses maybe savehtml uioutput in shiny? possible?

reset animation in shiny r studio shows trying build animation within shiny. example of integrating savegif function shiny app, through download.

alternative suggestions/packages @ approach problem in r not using animation and/or shiny appreciated.

i suggest using googlevis package --> tool, gvismotionchart. it's simple work with, make sure data numeric or time oriented in way , have character/categorical variable plot circles. best of all animation tools included inside motion chart.

if want details how create this, here model example of how detailed in thread.

chart not generated in r shiny when run locally using googlevis

here's screenshot of example of 1 i've created visualize chess data.

googlevis example


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