file - Image is not attached in quickblox for android -
i have made demo sending image private chat using quickblox, struggling attach image chat message, have gone through document , have used below links, no luck attach image
my code below:
chatmessage = new qbchatmessage(); sendbutton = (button) findviewbyid(; sendbutton.setonclicklistener(new view.onclicklistener() { @override public void onclick(view v) { final string messagetext = messageedittext.gettext().tostring(); if (textutils.isempty(messagetext)) { return; } // send chat message // // send message // ... int fileid = r.raw.ic_launcher; inputstream = chatactivity.this.getresources() .openrawresource(fileid); file file = filehelper.getfileinputstream(is, "sample_file.png", "myfile"); boolean fileispublic = true; qbcontent.uploadfiletask(file, fileispublic, messagetext, new qbentitycallbackimpl<qbfile>() { @override public void onsuccess(qbfile qbfile, bundle params) { string publicurl = qbfile.getpublicurl(); system.out .println("==========image uploaded success++++++++" + publicurl); id = qbfile.getid(); system.out .println("===================image id+++++++++++" + id + ""); } @override public void onerror(list<string> errors) { system.out .println("==========image uploaded errors++++++++" + errors.tostring()); } }, new qbprogresscallback() { @override public void onprogressupdate(int progress) { } }); qbattachment atach = new qbattachment("image"); atach.setid(id+""); arraylist<qbattachment> aryatch = new arraylist<qbattachment>(); aryatch.add(atach); chatmessage.setattachments(aryatch); chatmessage.setbody(messagetext); chatmessage.setproperty(property_save_to_history, "1"); chatmessage.setdatesent(new date().gettime() / 1000); try { chat.sendmessage(chatmessage); } catch (xmppexception e) { log.e(tag, "failed send message", e); } catch (smackexception sme) { log.e(tag, "failed send message", sme); } messageedittext.settext(""); if (dialog.gettype() == qbdialogtype.private) { showmessage(chatmessage); } } });
well clear mistake is
your id null here
because != nil in onsuccess block of uploadfiletask
so right way forward attachments logic inside onsuccess block of uploadfiletask
because these quickblox request asynchronous
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