javascript - Not able to read the return values -

below code not reading return value readxml() in function matchvalue(). gives error in line log.message(myarr[1,1]);

function readxml() {     var myarr;       var doc = sys.oleobject("msxml2.domdocument.6.0");     doc.load("c:\\users\\sumit\\desktop\\sfsd.xml");     var nodes = doc.selectnodes("//config");      (i = 0; < nodes.length; i++){         var childnodes = nodes.item(i);          myarr = new array();         myarr[i,i] = [nodes(i).childnodes(0).text, nodes(i).childnodes(1).text];         log.message(myarr[i,i]);      }      return myarr; }  function matchvalue() {  readxml();  log.message(myarr[1,1]); } 

you're ignoring result of readxml() when calling matchvalue()

save in variable able use result

var result = readxml()


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